Physical Education and Health Education B.S.

Program Features

The course requirements for the 136-credit program are listed below, as is a plan for completing the two degrees in eight semesters.

Required Physical Education courses:


PETE 100Fundamental Content Knowledge in Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 124Fundamental Movement Activities

1 credits

PETE 125Introduction to Sport Games

1 credits

PETE 220Physical Conditioning

1 credits

PETE 253Aquatics

1 credits


PETE 453Water Safety Instructor

1 credits

PETE 308Impacting the Whole Person through Experiential Education

3 credits

PETE 309Teaching Games for Understanding

1 credits

PETE 310Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Physical Education

3 credits

PETE 343Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 344Motor Learning and Development

3 credits

PETE 345Adapted Physical Education

3 credits

PETE 400Physical Education Teaching and Assessing Strategies

3 credits

PETE 440Physical Education Student Teaching

3 - 12 credits

PETE 442Movement Experiences for Secondary Education

1 credits

PETE 445Organization and Administration of Physical Education

2 credits

EXSC 203Kinesiology - Mechanical Analysis

3 credits

EXSC 310Exercise Physiology I

3 credits

Required Health Education courses:

HLTH 210Foundations of Health Science

3 credits

HLTH 220Personal and Consumer Health

3 credits

HLTH 230Community Health

3 credits

HLTH 240Health Emergencies

3 credits

HLTH 310Family Health Education

3 credits

HLTH 341Nutrition Education

1.5 credits

HLTH 350Promoting Emotional Well-Being

3 credits

HLTH 356Drug and Alcohol Teacher Preparation

1.5 credits

HLTH 365School Health Programs

3 credits

HLTH 431Student Teaching in Health Education

5 - 12 credits

HLTH 461Methods in Health Education

3 credits

HLTH 462Assessment in School Health Education

3 credits

Required Professional courses:

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

Required General Education courses:

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

English Literature

3 credits

CMST 111GE: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

BIOL 111GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

4 credits

6 credits of MATH

6 credits

PSY 100GE: General Psychology

3 credits

SOC 111GE: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits


  • A minimum cumulative quality point average (QPA) as identified by Pennsylvania law, chapter 354 is required for all teacher education students. These minimum standards are required for admission, continuation and student teaching in this program. For additional information, please refer to the Program Offerings/Requirements for Teacher Certification section of the catalog.
  • Eligibility for Pennsylvania Teacher Certification in Physical Education and Health requires the student to pass the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) or the ETS Core Assessment, and three Praxis II Exams (Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge, Health and Physical Education Content Knowledge; Health Education Content Knowledge).

Program Curriculum Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

PETE 100Fundamental Content Knowledge in Physical Education

2 credits

PETE Activity Course

1 credit

HLTH 230Community Health

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:18

PETE 100: (Is taught in the Fall only)



ENGL 1XXEnglish Literature

3 credits


3 credits

PSY 100GE: General Psychology

3 credits

PETE Activity Course 100 level

1 credit

HLTH 220Personal and Consumer Health

3 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16


Summer Class

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Sophomore Year



3 credits

BIOL 111GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

4 credits

HLTH 210Foundations of Health Science

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

PETE Activity Course 200 level

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:17



PETE Activity Course 200 level

1 credit

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

HLTH 240Health Emergencies

3 credits

EXSC 203Kinesiology - Mechanical Analysis

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16


Summer Class

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Junior Year


EXSC 310Exercise Physiology I

3 credits

PETE 308Impacting the Whole Person through Experiential Education

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

HLTH 310Family Health Education

3 credits

HLTH 341Nutrition Education

1.5 credits

HLTH 356Drug and Alcohol Teacher Preparation

1.5 credits

Total Credit Hours:18

HLTH 310, HLTH 341, HLTH 356: (Fall Only)

Retention Standards

Praxis II: Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge pre-requisite to PETE 400/HLTH 461

Praxis II: Renew Act 34, Act 114-FBI fingerprinting, Act 151, Apply to student teach.


General Education Elective

3 credits

PETE 309Teaching Games for Understanding

1 credits

PETE 310Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Physical Education

3 credits

PETE 343Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 344Motor Learning and Development

3 credits

PETE 345Adapted Physical Education

3 credits

HLTH 350Promoting Emotional Well-Being

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:18

PETE 309, 310, 343, 344, 345: Students must be screened into the HPE major prior to registering for these PETE courses.

Senior Year


PETE 400Physical Education Teaching and Assessing Strategies

3 credits

PETE 442Movement Experiences for Secondary Education

1 credits

HLTH 365School Health Programs

3 credits

HLTH 461Methods in Health Education

3 credits

HLTH 462Assessment in School Health Education

3 credits

General Education

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16

PETE 400: Renew Act 34, Act 114-FBI fingerprinting, Act 151, Apply to student teach.


PETE 440Physical Education Student Teaching

3 - 12 credits

HLTH 431Student Teaching in Health Education

5 - 12 credits

HLTH 499School Health Education Internship

1 credits

PETE 445Organization and Administration of Physical Education

2 credits

Total Credit Hours:14


Total Credit Hours: 136

For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3293 or visit Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall 570-422-3293