Academic Enrichment and Learning

Academic Affairs

Rosenkrans East, Room 222


Department Faculty

Distinguished Professors:

Germain Francois (


Jack Truschel, chair (

Julie Albiero-Walton (

Associate Professors:

Barbara Miccio (

Fernando Perez (

Assistant Professor:

Beverlyn Grace-Odeleye (


Virginia “Ginny” Reiner (

About the Program

The mission of the Department of Academic Enrichment and Learning is to provide opportunities and support for students who want to improve their academic achievement; who are potentially at risk academically; or who may face institutional and attitudinal barriers to success.

The Department houses the Academic Advising for the Undeclared Student, the Learning Center, Office of Disability Services, University-Wide Tutorial Program, Academic Advising and Support for Students in Academic Jeopardy, Student Support Services, and the STAR Program. The department offers a variety of services including academic advising, tutorial assistance, early registration and accommodations for eligible students with documented disabilities, academic counseling, academic skills development, and a First-Year Experience course.

Course Description

Credits in semester hours, classroom work, and laboratory or fieldwork are indicated by three numbers in parentheses immediately following the course title.